Handling Those Crazy Seasons (+FRL Makeover)

Handling Those Crazy Seasons (+Free Resource Library Makeover)

Have you ever been in such a crazy season of life that some of the things you manage just get totally off your radar?

It's kind of like right after you've had a baby and all of the "normal" things like running errands, going out to eat, doing your hair or showering are just not even on your to-do list.

Raising young kids, caring for a loved one who's sick, going through a big move, crazy exhausting seasons like this put you into survival mode.

You're just able to take care of the basics and that's it. 

If you're in one of these seasons right now, I just want to encourage you, friend! It's really hard in the moment but just focus on getting through each day or maybe even each hour.

Try to remember that it's a season. It won't last forever.

One of the hardest parts can be not being able to do it all and feeling like a failure. Take the pressure off yourself for being on top of everything. Everyone has limits and when you're in the trenches and just exhausted, you really don't want to set the bar super high.

Stick to covering those basics: Sleep, simple meals, and clean clothes.

Perfect hair can wait. Organized cabinets can wait. All of those big dreams and projects will be there next season when life slows down.

2018 Calendar Printable (Handling Busy Seasons)

If you're just coming back from a busy chaotic season and things are starting to settle down, that can be overwhelming too!

But I find the best thing to do is take stock.

What projects need dusting off? What areas do you need to organize that have been waiting? What no longer belongs and can be let go of for good?

Make a list of all those things competing for your attention. Then shoot for getting one thing in order each week.

Little by little you'll start to see a ton of progress.

This week I gave the Free Resource Library a mini makeover because it was one of those things for me that completely fell off my radar during my crazy season. (The last calendar I added was from February 2017!)

Free Resource LIbrary

So, I reorganized all of the freebies by topic to make it easier for you to find what you need and also added a few new items to round it out a little. Here are a few things inside that might help give you structure as you're coming back from a crazy season of life...

New 2018 Calendar (Because it was clearly time for an update!)

2018 Calendar Printable

Organize Me Chart (From Why You Can't Stay Focused)

Free Organization Chart

Super-Purposeful Schedule Workbook (From the SPS 31-Day Series)

Free Super-Purposeful Schedule Workbook

Goals Review Sheet (From the #Goals 90-Day Planner)

Free Goals Review Worksheet

Week-At-A-Glance Sheet (From How I Plan My Entire Week In An Hour)

Free Weekly Planning Worksheet

Cleaning Checklist (From The 30-Minute Roundhouse Clean)

Free 30-Minute Roundhouse Cleaning Checklist

There are now over 50 free downloads in the Free Resource Library total. (And I'm working on adding a few new items each month so be sure to keep checking back!) So whether you're needing to revamp your schedule or just needing a quick checklist to get you through your crazy day, you can hopefully find it a bit easier. Hang in there!

Xo, Laurie


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